1:1 Coaching
Achieve greater satisfaction in your work and personal life.
Confidently overcome challenges and obstacles.
Become next-level ready to quickly climb the ladder.
Executive Leadership Coaching
Take your organization to the next level by building your capacity for innovation and inspiration. Whether you’re a C-suite leader, VP, or executive director, Ajillity can help you build the people skills and strategic insights you need to be a more inclusive, empathetic, and effective leader.
Career Advancement Coaching
Whether you want to find the perfect career, manage a challenging career transition, or earn a promotion, our team of coaches can help you develop the skills to be successful.
Life Coaching
Are you looking to improve your work life, your health, or your personal relationships? Let’s work together to get rid of self-limiting beliefs that may be holding you back, and then maximize your potential by setting goals and taking the necessary steps to achieve them.
Positive Intelligence Program
AGo from self-sabotage to self-mastery in just six weeks. Created at Stanford University and based on performance neuroscience, positive psychology, and developmental research on how people create positive change, the program is designed to improve your performance and happiness for life.
We help people discover their unique strengths and build new skills so they can achieve their most coveted goals in their professional and personal lives.
Our Services for Individuals
Our Approach
Whether we’re coaching execs or individuals, we use a proven framework to get results.
We begin by listening
Your coach will create a space for you to share openly and honestly, and then she’ll work with you to process your journey, understand your goals, and identify the blockers you’ve encountered so far.
We put discovery and best practices into action
With your coach acting as your supporter, champion, and thinking partner, together you’ll take a holistic approach to tackling your challenges. You’ll get the guidance you need to make sense of both obstacles and opportunities — and your coach will work with you on a roadmap for positive action and real growth.
We fuel your ongoing evolution.
You’ll sync with your coach regularly to discuss strategies and practice behaviors that will help you improve your relationships, manage conflict, respond to crises, stretch your abilities, and build powerful habits of self-awareness, self-acceptance, and mindfulness.